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課牛發布時間:19-05-2311:53最近是有毒吧!先爆出王源餐廳聚會吸煙,又爆料出張藝興無視鏡頭吸煙。公眾明星吸煙都能上熱搜,你關注這些新聞的同時,不妨也看看雅思寫作話題中,與吸煙有關的例文和寫作思路吧~根據時下熱議話題中我們來講講“為什麼青少年吸煙”的這個雅思寫作話題方向,大家通過范文欣賞來提升自己的雅思英語寫作水平。同時我也會通過對雅思高分作文的剖析,給你最直接最有效的提升方案。It is reported that the number of teenagers who smoke has risen in recent years, which has aroused great concern of people who have been walking or living. There are signs that, given these reasons, the following three may be the main ones.First, it is easy for teenagers to smoke. Cigarettes can be almost everywhere. Todays teenagers have more money to raise their living standards from their parents. They can buy what they want (including cigarettes).Secondly, adolescents smoke because of their adolescent psychological problems and filling. One of the problems, for example, is building a sense of identity. Teenagers want to be more independent from their parents and form their own values when they are young. Over the years, great psychological pressure has made some people turn to smoking.Finally, perhaps the most important reason is peer pressure to conform. Teenagers tend to be very close to special friends. One thing is that they will share the interests of a friend, even if it is smoking. Teenagers who also participate in political parties and other places are one of the most important social occasions to become a crowd, which is "cool".Even the most mature teenagers may be tempted to smoke, rather than a risk of rejection. For all these reasons, cigarettes are a major problem faced by teenagers.通過了解大量的雅思高分作文,對高分作文總結了以下特點:結構清晰、論據論點充足合理,用詞貼切,句型豐富。另外談到英語文體時,每種文章在寫作上大家都有自己的套路和模式,議論文也是如此。文章結構一篇議論文的結構,反映到雅思考試中,會分為等分型以及一面倒型。多數考生會使用的寫作結構為等分型。那是不是一面倒的辯論方式就不能獲得高分? 雅思是科學的考試,評分都有嚴格的標準。只要滿足要求,都會獲得好分數的。經典套句  此外,利用上經典套句也會為你的寫作增色不少。比如考生用了Attitudes towards this issue vary greatly,Views on this controversial issue vary greatly和People hold diverse views towards it幾個異曲同工的句子,表達了“人們對此看法不一”這個概念,然后順理成章地引出正反雙方的觀點。用詞對多變性用詞的準確性和多變也很值得一提。雅思考題“是否應該加大對公共場所吸煙的懲處力度”。在提到“實施”時,考生用過的動詞包括“to impose … on”、“to carry out”和“to enforce”。這種用不同的詞匯表達同樣意義的能力,是雅思寫作標準中對考生明確提出的要求。句式多變句式多變也是雅思寫作標準中的明確要求之一。而考題是“公共場所吸煙是否會對別人產生危害”,考生所用過的句型包括時間狀語從句、條件狀語從句、從句做賓語等。文章中突出的一個特點就是形式主語使用次數比較多,而眾所周知,形式主語是比較經典的英語句式。語法準確考生的作文高分的關鍵還在于語言語法的準確。七分的文章必須保證不能出現低級錯誤,例如單復數、時態,這就是語法基礎了。在考試前設計好自己的寫作模板非常重要,這樣既輕松地用上了經典的句式,又在考試時節省時間。希望后來的考生能夠平時多做歸納、多思考,考試的時候就事半功倍了。小編有話說通過王源吸煙事件來說,我們更多需要對時下比較熱門的話題進行觀點整理,理清自己的思路,再就是通過對吸煙話題的闡述,了解青少年吸煙這樣的問題成因再就是雅思寫作我認為不像口語,想要獲得高分的雅思作文,語法還是要求相當嚴格的,最好不要出現錯誤,特別是基礎、細節的語法,在此基礎之上就是看結構清晰、論據論點充足合理,用詞貼切,句型豐富這四點了,如果各方面都做的不錯,那么雅思高分作文也就不難了。

